Tag Archives: PRCBOA

CPAs’ Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

The Board of Accountancy(BOA) of the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) in the Philippines issued a resolution, BOA Resolution 59 series of 2012, to amend and clarify the requirements of CPA’s BOA accreditation.

The resolution was passed to resolve issues on the achievement of the minimum requirements of the Accountancy Act of 2004 RA 9298, under the implementing rules passed through BOA Resolution 24 series of 2007 where a CPA should maintain a continuous professional education (CPE).

As a comparison of the old rule with the new rule on the CPA’s BOA Accreditation, we have summarized the differences below.


With the issuance of the new rule as discussed in the BOA Resolution 59 series of 2012, the Professional Regulations Commission and Board of Accountancy expects a greater number of CPAs applying for BOA accreditations.